Thursday, February 2, 2017

Internet Browser

Internet Browser is a software program that we use to access the internet and view web pages on our computer or cellphones. We think of our browser as our gateway to the internet. Without browser, the internet as we know it today would be impossible. More internet browsers have continued to be developed over the years, resulting in powerful tools that let you safely and quickly access your favorite websites.

     Internet browser are one of the most important part of cellphone or computers that really helps to give instant access to Google and other search engines, turning their cellphones or computers into research tools. If you want to research something or relate from subjects, you can easily to find it because you have this browser. A browser in the cellphone or in the computer puts a dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia that instantly unto the hands of every students. The students  can study about nature, architecture, art or design can search for images and videos on the web that match what they find in life in order to understand their properties, styles and their criticism. 
     This modern internet browser have many helpful features, tabbed browsing, for example, help you open up many web pages in individual tabs, instead of needing a resource intensive separate window for each page. This is very helpful if you want to enter sweepstakes faster.

      Some Internet Browsers are available today:
 Most browsers are available for free download. The six most popular internet browsers today include:

- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Internet
- Apple Safari
- Opera
- AOL (Explorer)
      -> Explorer which gives AOL member quick access to news, weather, and other useful information.
  Chrome and Firefox are quick and powerful web browsers used by millions people.

   Many internet browsers support plug-ins, which are helper programs that we can download to customize your browsing experience. Plug-ins can help you fill out forms automatically, check your grammar and spelling, send you reminders, and much more.
    Plug-ins can help us work or play online, but not every browser allows them. Firefox and Chrome each allow plug-ins, for example, but not all are available for each system. The best way to find out which browser is right for us is to download them and use everything what we want to do like play around with them.

 Disadvantages of Internet Browsers:

   Spending too much time at the desk with a computer can harm your physical and mental health. Such people can become reclusive and lonely. This could lead to low self-esteem and a whole host of psychosomatic conditions.
An over-reliance on the Internet can also lead to a general lowering of mental capacity. Mental fatigue and a feeling of lethargy can gradually creep in as a result of a sedentary life sitting all day long in front of the computer and surfing the Web. Lack of exercise can cause a general deterioration in health and lead to a poor immune response.
The use of the Internet has several advantages. It has changed the way the world communicates and does business. However, there can be negative aspects to the excessive use of the Internet.


   - Modern Browsers help protects against malware and phishing.
   - Open source  sharing has given us better browsers and a faster, richer, more compex web. And open-source brainpower is making the future of the web even brighter.
   - Being an informed citizen of the web requires some self-education - for intance, learning to control your browser's privacy setting for various types of content including cookies.
Use a modern browser, first and foremost. Or try a new one and see if it brings you happier browsing that’s better suited to your needs.
The web will keep evolving — dramatically! Support cutting-edge web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL, because they’ll help the web community imagine and create a future of great, innovative web apps.
Lastly, try new things. The web is a new and exciting place every day, so try tasks that you didn’t think could be done online -- such as researching your ancestry back ten generations, or viewing a real-time webcam image from a climbing base camp in the Himalayas. You might be surprised by what you find!

 References :

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